FFXIV Fishing Leveling Guide 1-90 (EW + Dawntrail Prep) – Page 7 – FFXIV Guild (2024)

EW + DAWNTRAIL PREP UPDATED! How to level up Fishing Quickly!? Confused with Fishing Levequests? Looking for FIsh & Fishing Spots? Power Level your Fisher!

One again, back into the fishing holes! Welcome to the Shadowbringers tier, for fishing L70 to 80! Without further ado, let’s go!

FSH Leveling Navigation:
[01-15]| [15-35]|[35-50]|[50-55]|[55-60]
[60-70] |[70-80] | [80 – 90] | [90 – 100 PRE]

Fishing L70 to 80 – Reminders

I’ll just post some useful info here for you to easily refer to if you need it.


LCollectable FishBaitMapFishing HoleXY#Slap/Trade?Note
79Rak’tika GobySmall GigRaktika GreatwoodNorth Lake Tusi Mek’ta52659Viis EarShadows
79Elder PixieMedium GigIl MhegCentral Longmirror Lake3026128Blue Mountain!?Shadows
78Winged HatchetfishRobber BallKholusiaUpper Watts River271511Any…Precision
76Diamond PipiraRobber BallRaktika GreatwoodThe Red Chalice1021440Any…TIME 12p-7p
76EryopsRobber BallRaktika GreatwoodLake Tusi Mek’ta930690Cannot!Mooch C. Tetra
75BothriolepisLarge GigLakelandSoutheast Source1238865Little Bismarck!?Shadows
74Little BismarckLarge GigLakelandSoutheast Source1238750Bothriolepis!?Shadows
74Golden LobsterMarble NymphIl MhegSaint Fathric’s Temple3426208Skipper/LoachPrecision
72Weedy SeadragonMoyebi ShrimpKholusiaEastern Kholusian Coast3727135Cod>>AnyPrecision
70Albino CaimanFruit WormLakelandRift of Sighs3215760Candy>SnailPowerful
LFacet FishBaitMapFishing HoleXYSlap/Trade?Note
80HQ Prospero EelMoyebi ShrimpTempestNorvrandt Slope3115Storm>>SycoPrecision
78Amber MonkfishDesert Dessert FrogAmh AraengThe Hills of Amber1715Crab>DustPowerful
77HQ Calico TroutFruit WormIl MhegLongmirror Lake1315Loach>SkipperPrecision
75Brightmirror ClamMoyebi ShrimpIl MhegThe Spoiled One2815Loach>SkipperPrecision
73Creamy OysterMoyebi ShrimpKholusiaWestern Kholusian Coast1432Cod>FlounderPrecision
70Eigheyes EelFruit WormLakelandRift of Sighs3215Candy>SnailPrecision?
LLevequestFishBaitMapFishing Hole#Slap/TradeXYTypeNote
70The Source of the ProblemPurple GhostSmall GigLakelandNortheast Source6(18)Glass>Goby1430Triple
70Needs More EggSand EggDesert Dessert FrogAmh AraengThe River of Sand3Crab>Dustfish3113SinglePrecision
70Eco-Warrior of LightXanthic BassFruit WormLakelandThe Source3Candy>Skipper2026SinglePrecision
72AetherquakeFinned EggplantLarge GigLakelandThe Isle of Ken6(18)Carp>Warden833Triple
72Jelly SaladBlood CloudMoyebi ShrimpKholusiaEastern Kholusian Coast3Cod3327SinglePoweful
72Full of FishGeayiMedium GigLakelandSoutheast Source6Cod/Noble1238Single
74A Cherry-red HerringCherry HerringMarble NymphIl MhegThe Spoiled One3(9)Skipper/Loach2815TriplePrecision
74The Bride AquaticLittle FlirtMedium GigIl MhegNorth Lyhe Ghiah6Tear/Shade2113Single
74Faerie FishLemonfishMarble NymphIl MhegHandmirror Lake3Skipper>Pixie327SinglePrecision
76Fish for DaysHucho TaimenRobber BallKholusiaUpper Watts River3(9)Any2715TriplePoweful
76Magic MushroomsParadise CrabSmall GigIl MhegThysm Lran6Deala>Ire3030Single
76Crab CorpsGourmand CrabMedium GigRak’tika GreatwoodNorth Lake Tusi Mek’ta6Pleco525Single
78A Feast for the SensesStippled EelShort Bill MinnowThe TempestWhere the Dry Return3(9)Storm>>Caliban375TriplePrecision
78Short-term GainsBlack Tri-starRobber BallRak’tika GreatwoodThe Rotzatl3Any1521SinglePrecision
78Deep-sea DivingAzure Sea SpiderShort Bill MinnowThe TempestPurpure3Stormbfish3230SinglePrecision

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Fishing L70 to 71 – The DEADZONE

The first level of any expansion is usually a “deadzone”, and Shadowbringers is no exception. This is due to many things, but MAINLY due to LOW or “RANDOM” gear levels.

Scrip gear and above - obliterating the deadzone

The EASIEST way to get out of the deadzone is gearing up, and the cheapest/most cost efficient set for that right now is the Landking’s Set, obtained via scrip.

Buy the Landking scrip pieces:

  • All left side pieces are fine. Weapon and Chest are EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD.


  • Lower scrip tier: Tackeking, Augmented Tackleking.
  • Crafted Rods: Zelkova, Ala Mhigan, Black Willow.
  • Left-side: Serge, Ala Mhigan, Yamashi, Gazelleskin, Twinsilk.
    (including augmented and ornates)
  • Accessories: Gazelleskin & Slothskin

I would still recommend reading the rest of the deadzone segment as a refresher to the leveling process either way.

“Scrip gear” from now on, in this guide’s, means the Landking’s set.

Luckily, Custom Deliveries and the new Facet quest system gives us tons of scrip to buy this gear!

Getting out of the Deadzone

Here’s all the practical ways of getting EXP to beat the deadzone. But, first and foremost you have to unlock your new “class quest”…


Shadowbringers gives us “Crystarium Deliveries“, which is oddly named since it’s nothing like the other delivery systems. It’s essentially a new type of “class quest”.

UnlockingHow does it Work?Try it out!

It’s a 2 quest process to unlock this:

  • 1st Quest: The Crystalline Mean (L70) – Area: The Crystarium
  • Requires: MSQ “The Crystarium’s Resolve (L72)”.
  • 2nd Quest: Well Eel be Damned(L70) – Area: The Crystarium
  • Requires: The Crystalline Mean (the 1st quest listed above)

You have SIX submissions per tier PER FACET. After six submissions your esteem goes up and you need to fish up a new set of six items at L73, 75, and 78 respectively.

For the L70 Fishing facet quest, head on over to Lakeland – Rift of Sighs (32 15) using Fruitworm bait. Remember to have your collectable catching on! Fish on the river at the bottom of the valley/cliff.

I mention this NOW because this gives some pretty chunky EXP. Now whether you can catch Eighteyes Eel or not, I don’t know. You can try if you’re desperate. If you can’t, farm and submit them when you’re L71.

Other ways of gaining EXP & BEating the Deadzone!

Keep in mind many of these apply even PAST the deadzone. First of all, SCRIP GEAR IS THE EASIEST WAY – It’s pretty worth it, especially if you’re leveling all 3 DoL classes. There are pieces you don’t really want though…

Improving Gear (SCRIP GEAR!)

I know I just talked about it, but to hammer the point home…

Scrip gear is the most “practical” way to beat the deadzone at level 70 without breaking the bank.

Buying the weapon, and all left-side pieces are fine. Avoid accessories. If you don’t have access to the scrips, don’t worry – simply proceed with the advice below, while saving scrips up.


Definitely the easiest method to get out of the deadzone FAST. You can submit 12 Custom Deliveries per week to these NPC’s:

  • Mnaago in Rhaglrs Reach
  • Adkiragh and Zhloe Alpaioh in Idyllshire
  • Kurenai in Ruby Sea.

Each submission gives great EXP and other rewards. The obvious downside to this method is the weekly limitation. You should primarily use these to get out of deadzones, or difficult tiers.




Seriously, fishing is the most RNG to level up class. This tip, while useful in the deadzone, applies to the rest of your leveling journey. Getting megachunks of EXP per cast will at least make you a little less salty that you can’t catch these damn levequest fish.

If you’re leveling the non-fishers too, gettings Scrips to buy Manuals is VALUE. It GREATLY speeds up the FSH leveling process.


Are almost impossible to do if your gear is bad. You can try it, but unless you’re packing scrip gear or above I wouldn’t bother. Even then, I feel there are better things to do. Save it until you’re 71+.


Farming your OWN FISH for levequests will be difficult to say the least, if you’re undergeared. Save it for 71+. Again, only if you have scrip gear or above.

You can opt to buy cheap fish from the MB (NQ if you’re desperate and overflowing on leves!). This isn’t a bad way to level up, while spending otherwise excessive levequests.

Grinding - Stormblood zones & Crystarium

Straight up fishing in the older areas yields decent EXP. You can easily break out of the deadzone if you grind in any Stormblood area that you can manage, while preferably using a EXP Manual, or having Rested EXP.

This is kind of related to the above, Custom Deliveries, as you’ll be getting other fish while trying to obtain the collectable.

Daily GC Submission?

If you’re lucky to find them in the marketboard for an affordable price, great. Otherwise, I personally wouldn’t waste time going for them out in the wild.

A great source of EXP, but can be pretty impractical for Fishermen at L70 to 71 – the pool of required fish changes at 72/73 so this is an iffy source of EXP until then.

Personally, this can be a little tedious to do as you level up. Marketboard can be your friend if you can find cheapo ones.

The easiest ways to punch through are getting the Facet fish Eigheyes Eel if you have the gear, or blowing your custom deliveries on it!

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Reminder: Patience II Rotation

This “rotation” greatly increases your chances to land the various collectables, Facet fish and some levequest fish. I will refer to it in this guide as the “Patience Rotation”.

  1. Wait until GP is full and Cordial available
  2. Use Patience II (Patience I if you’re feeling lucky)
  3. Use Cordial right after.
  4. Reel in using the appropriate Hookset.

Fishing L71 to 72

A lot happens upon reaching L71, most critical of which are Surface Slap, possible gear updates, and how to level up once you’re past the dead zone.

L71 Skill - Surface Slap

A great tool going forward, Surface Slap prevents you from catching the fish you just caught FOR THE NEXT PULL. It only lasts one pull, unlike Veteran Trade.

While not as godlike as Veteran Trade, it helps us a tiny bit, given that Fishing really is an RNG fiesta. I will list the best slaps and trades in the tables going forward.

FSH L71 Gear Update!

If you have the scrip gear, you can use that too! But not every scrip gear is okay. Here’s a summary of what your gear SHOULD look like going forward.

Crafted means “HQ w/ Materia V/VI (you can safely unslot them)

Example SetL71 Crafted gear?

Here’s a SOLID pile of items to bring going forward. The most important points to remember at this level, going forward…

  • Landking (scrip) Weapon and Chest are far superior than L71 crafted.
  • Accessories should be L71 HQ crafted melded with Perception V or VI.
  • All the other body slots are “roughly equal”, L71 crafted with melds being “slightly better” or “slightly worse” – meaning the easily obtainable Scrip gear is preferable to a vast majority of people.
SlotItemSourceCheap MeldCheap Meld
WeaponLandking’s Fishing RodScripNANA
HeadLandking’s TurbanScripNANA
ChestLandking’s CoatScripNANA
HandsLandking’s GloveScripNANA
BeltLandking’s Survival BeltScripNANA
LegsLandking’s BottomsScripNANA
BootsLandking’s ShoesScripNANA
AccHQ Smilodonskin AccCraftedPerception V or VIAny / None

The crafted accessories with melds are HUGE. I would never use the scrip accessories.

TECHNICALLY SPEAKING, the crafted gear “slightly edges out” the scrip gear – but wether it’s worth it or not is up to you. Scrip gear is simply “cheaper” in the sense that scrip is rather easily obtainable. If you’re rich, or don’t have scrip, here’s how the L71 gear compares:

!!! There’s no excuse to not get the Landking (scrip) weapon and chest !!!

ALL NON-CHEST NON-WEAPON HQ L71 CRAFTED GEAR is, roughly, 2 to 5% stronger than their scrip counterpart. It’s really miniscule and negligible, but an option if you don’t have scrip.

But, as the table in the previous tab suggests, HQ L71 Smilodonskin Accessories are a great investment since you can meld Perception in them.

I’d rather save money for the future optional upgrades.

Fishing L70 Levequests

L70 FSH Levequests
LevequestThe Source of the ProblemNeeds More EggEco-Warrior of Light
FishPurple GhostSand EggXanthic Bass
BaitSmall GigDesert Dessert FrogFruit Worm
MapLakelandAmh AraengLakeland
HoleNortheast SourceThe River of SandSullen

L70 Levequest fish discussion

Sand Egg felt like the basic fishing leve. However, the bait/location causes unnecessary line pulling noises which I dislike.

Purple Ghost (triple) felt a little sucky side. The chances of the “other” spearfish targets were simply too high even after veteran trade. The EXP is trash as well, compared to the effort required. Farming Albino Caiman collectables felt FAR MORE EFFICIENT.

Xanthic Bass is by FAR the best option for leves in terms of sanity IF you can fish them upin Sullen at L71, as it’s listed as an L72 hole (I’m pretty sure you can…). Try it, since fishing up Xanthic Bass at the “L71 hole”, The Source, was COMPLETE GARBAGE.

L70-72 FSH Collectable Reference

Level Appropriate FSH Collectables

LCollectable FishBaitMapFishing HoleXYMinSlap/Trade?Note
70Albino CaimanFruit WormLakelandRift of Sighs3215760Candy>SnailPowerful

ALbino Caiman was quite good.. You’ll be fishing there, anyway, for your facet quest fish. They didn’t seem to be that rare, and at L73 you can catch significantly more if you upgrade your bait to Marble Nymph.

What do to in this tier?

After you sort out your gear, farm/submit the Eighteyes Eels if you haven’t already at Lakeland, Rift of Sighs (32,15) with Fruit Worm. Put your Collect on, as you can get Albino Caiman collectable too. The Patience rotation is a little weird here since Precision hooks in Eels, and Powerful hooks in Caimans.

Honestly the above process is a pretty good way to level up to 72. Albino Caiman is pretty easy to catch, and try to get as many HQ Eighteye Eels. The levequests in this tier felt bad…

But if you insist on using leves… I would advise AGAINST this tiers triple. The levequest I prefer is Xanthic Bass. Check out the notes in the box.

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Fishing L72 to 74

Fishing L72 Levequests

L72 FSH Levequests
LevequestAetherquakeJelly SaladFull of Fish
FishFinned EggplantBlood CloudGeayi
BaitLarge GigMoyebi ShrimpMedium Gig
HoleThe Isle of KenEastern Kholusian CoastSoutheast Source

L72 Levequest fish discussion

Finned Eggplant (triple) sucks. It loses out to its counterparts due to both of the other levefish having “other value moves” attached to them. I wouldn’t bother with this. Hell, Geayi is directly superior as it’s a spearfishing leve too.

Geayi is great for the spearfishing enthusiast. It’s not so rare, and the rotation described below also gives you a chance at a later collectable “Little Bismarck”.

Blood Cloud is a straight catch, and using the Patience rotation gives you a great chance to snag the Weedy Seadragon collectable in the same hole!

Geayi and Blood Cloud are both great options due to having “Extra value” in their fishing holes. Your choice!

L72-74 FSH Collectable Reference

Level Appropriate FSH Collectables

LCollectable FishBaitMapFishing HoleXYMinSlap/Trade?Note
72Weedy SeadragonMoyebi ShrimpKholusiaEastern Kholusian Coast3727135Cod>>AnyPrecision
70Albino CaimanFruit WormLakelandRift of Sighs3215760Candy>SnailPowerful

What do to in this tier?

You got two choices in this tier. If you wanna fish normally, “Blood Clouds & Seadragons”. If you’re a fan of spearfishing, the “Geayi > Bismarck Rotation” is for you.

Blood Clouds & SeadragonsGeayi > Bismarck Rotation

Set up your rod at Eastern Kholusian Coast (33, 27), since there are two possible catches here – Blood Cloud (for levequests), and Weedy Seadragon (collectables). Use the Patience II Rotation.

This method ain’t so bad, as I got a decent amount of both, and having the advantage of being “relaxed”. While Seadragon collectability is an issue, doing it on the patience rotation is reliable.

Risky process that might test your stats a little…

I’ll just explain it step by step… This method is strong but your stats may or may not be enough depending on what gear you decided on.

  • Go to Southeast Source (spearfishing area) (12 38)
  • Equip Medium Gig Head.
  • Fish hear, only VETERAN TRADE COD if it’s the first thing you caught. You’re okay to get either Geayi (Levefish), or Noblefish (spawn shadows).
  • Once the node spawns, EQUIP LARGE GIG HEAD BEFORE YOU BEGIN. Make sure COLLECT IS ON.
  • Both catches from large gig are ‘future’ collectables. Little Bismarck (min 750). and Bothriolepis (a future collectable which you are unlikely to reach the collectability for).

Admittedly, the collectability is difficult to get. If you want, you can surface slap Bothriolepis since you might be too weak right now.

If you cannot get the collectability ratings for Little Bismark, its not so bad as you’ll be getting a lot of Geayi levefish in the process.

Both felt okay, depends on what method you prefer.

Once you’re L73, STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING, and fish up the new Facet quest fish – Creamy Oyster. It’s found at Kholusa, Western Kholusian Coast (14 32) using bait Moyebi Shrimp. The Patience rotation with precision will get you the 6HQ ones you need very quickly.

If fore some reason you’re not 74 after submitting those, do the ALBINO CAIMAN COLLECTABLE WITH MARBLE NYMPH BAIT – unless you’re having luck with the Geayi > Bis/Bothrio rotation.

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Fishing L74 to 76

FSH L74 Optional Gear Check

Should I Upgrade?

The L74 Weapon isn’t much of an upgrade from the Landking’s scrip rod.

The other body pieces however, start to look amazing compared to their scrip counterpart – but still not NECESSARY. If you want an easier time, and are leveling all other DoL classes, getting all of the L74 left-side gear can be worth it. If you’re poor though, save it for the L77 optional upgrades.

BUT, if for some reason you’re still not wearing Landking weapon or chest, pick up the L74 ones now!

Accessories? The HQ L71 ones with Perception melded are good enough to last you until 80, UNLESS you want to hit GP tresholds for gathering nodes. This isn’t so important for fishing.

Fishing L74 Levequests

L74 FSH Levequests
LevequestA Cherry-red HerringThe Bride AquaticFaerie Fish
FishCherry HerringLittle FlirtLemonfish
BaitMarble NymphMedium GigMarble Nymph
MapIl MhegIl MhegIl Mheg
HoleThe Spoiled OneNorth Lyhe GhiahHandmirror Lake

L74 Levequest fish discussion

Little Flirt is unremarkable. Don’t bother with this unless you’re hellbent on spearfishing.

Cherry Herring and Lemonfish WERE EQUALLY AMAZING. Both were weirdly common (well, “common”) compared to all the previous levequest fish. I prefer the Lemonfish leve since I prefered to do non-triple leves.

L74 FSH Collectable Reference:

Level Appropriate FSH Collectables

Some collectables aren’t available every day!

LCollectable FishBaitMapFishing HoleXYMinSlap/Trade?Note
75BothriolepisLarge GigLakelandSoutheast Source1238865Little Bismarck!?Shadows
74Little BismarckLarge GigLakelandSoutheast Source1238750Bothriolepis!?Shadows
74Golden LobsterMarble NymphIl MhegSaint Fathric’s Temple3426208Skipper/LoachPrecision
72Weedy SeadragonMoyebi ShrimpKholusiaEastern Kholusian Coast3727135Cod>>AnyPrecision
70Albino CaimanFruit WormLakelandRift of Sighs3215760Candy>SnailPowerful

What do to in this tier?

Wow… so many choices… Well you have 2 mainstream choices here that felt great.


As mentioned above, either of the levequest fish felt amazing to gather. It’s simple, you only have 2 sub-choices here.

  • You like triple leves? Fish up Cherry Herring.
  • Single leves? Lemonfish.

I HEAVILY FAVOR single leves in ShB fishing since there is a massive difference in “EXP per Fish ratio”.

The new collectable, Golden Lobster seemed to have an ABSURD catch rate with or without the Patience rotation. (I honestly don’t remember if this unlocked at 74 or 75 – please let me know if you don’t see this at 74).

Revisitng an old collectable with new bait, Marble Nymph to catch good ‘ol Albino Caiman. The success rate is surprisingly good.

You can, again, try for the good old Geayi > Little Bismarck rotation. Always great.

There’s no shortage of things to try! Either way at L75 you get a new facet quest, which asks for Brightmirror Clam, at Il Mheg (The Spoiled One – 28,15… same place as Cherry Herring). Use Fruit Worm and Snagging! They were easy to catch with or without the Patience rotation.

After you gather your 6x HQ clams and submit ’em, I’m going to imagine you’ll be 76. If not, repeat any of the methods outlined above.

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Fishing L76 to 78

Finally, we get to do something OP. It’s time to catch crabs. Wait…

Spoiler title

Honestly, this is only needed if you like collectables. I won’t go into detail as I imagine a astronomic chunk of people won’t care about this since L76 gives such an OP levequest.

While these will of course speed up the process, this is only really worth it if you’re leveling all gatherers. Even then, Miner and Botanist DONT NEED THESE AT ALL. It will mainly only benefit your FSH.

I guess if you’re woefully failing and snagging the crabs, then go for it…

Fishing L76 Levequests

L76 FSH Levequests
LevequestFish for DaysMagic MushroomsCrab Corps
FishHucho TaimenParadise CrabGourmand Crab
BaitRobber BallSmall GigMedium Gig
MapKholusiaIl MhegRak’tika Greatwood
HoleUpper Watts RiverThysm LranNorth Lake Tusi Mek’ta

L76 Levequest fish discussion

Hucho Taimen is a terrible leve. While the fish itself is quite rare, there is a chance to snag a future collectable Winged Hatchetfish here… It still didn’t feel good though, as collectability may suffer if you’re L76.

Paradise Crab is meh. While there’s nothing terrible about this , there’s nothing special either, move on…

Now… for the godly leve…

with a single Veteran Trade on Ronkan Pleco…

L76-78 FSH Collectable Reference

Level Appropriate FSH Collectables

Some collectables aren’t available everyday!

LCollectable FishBaitMapFishing HoleXYMinSlap/Trade?Note
76Diamond PipiraRobber BallRaktika GreatwoodThe Red Chalice1021440Any…TIME 12p-7p
76EryopsRobber BallRaktika GreatwoodLake Tusi Mek’ta930690Cannot!Mooch C. Tetra
75BothriolepisLarge GigLakelandSoutheast Source1238865Little Bismarck!?Shadows
74Little BismarckLarge GigLakelandSoutheast Source1238750Bothriolepis!?Shadows
74Golden LobsterMarble NymphIl MhegSaint Fathric’s Temple3426208Skipper/LoachPrecision
72Weedy SeadragonMoyebi ShrimpKholusiaEastern Kholusian Coast3727135Cod>>AnyPrecision
70Albino CaimanFruit WormLakelandRift of Sighs3215760Candy>SnailPowerful

I tried the new collectables, and they felt really bad. Eryops is a damn mooch (which isn’t even 100%!), and Diamond Pipira COULD BE OKAY, I guess, but it’s time-bound. Honestly, I wouldn’t bother.

What do to in this tier?

Welp, the age of crabs has begun. GOURMET CRAB IS GODLIKE. It’s very similar to the OP Stormblood “single veteran trade” levequests. Thank god.

No other levequest fishing activity up to this point comes close.
No other collectable activity can consistenly beat this either.

While I healthily suggest helping Gourmet Crabs go extinct – If you’re hellbent on collectables…

Collectables up to 78?

As mentioned above the NEW collectables kinda suck. Diamond Pipira is firmly in the “sucky tier”, while Eryops was “trash”.

If you wanna do collectables look no further than our old friends a) Golden Lobster, or b) Albino Caiman WITH MARBLE NYMPH.

If you’re more of a Spearfishing guy, the “Geayi > Little Bismarck” rotation is always good (whichever of it or Bothriolepis on the menu).

At L77 you have a new Facet quest to simply catch A SINGLE HQ CALICO TROUT, at Il Mheg – Longmirror Lake (13, 15) using Fruit Worm. It was a simple catch using the Patience rotation that didn’t even take 5 minutes. Easiest 9 million EXP in your life.

As usual, finish off your journey to 78 with any of the methods above (*cough* Gourmet Crab *cough*).

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Fishing L78 to 80

This is the last stretch! Hang in there! or should I saw claw…

Fishing L78 Levequests

L78 FSH Levequests
LevequestA Feast for the SensesShort-term GainsDeep-sea Diving
FishStippled EelBlack Tri-starAzure Sea Spider
BaitShort Bill MinnowRobber BallShort Bill Minnow
MapThe TempestRak’tika GreatwoodThe Tempest
HoleWhere the Dry ReturnThe RotzatlPurpure

L78 Levequest fish discussion

Azure Sea Spider felt the absolute worst amongst any levequest fish that preceeded it in ShB. Maybe I was unlucky but this was terrible.

Stippled Eel weirdly felt “not bad”… But you’re gonna need to Surface Slap Stormfish alongside Patience Rotation (powerful Hooks) for more consistency… It was okay…

Black Tri-Star was also “okay” as long as you slap off Pipira/Crab…

I dunno am I just trying to think these levequests were “fine” to remove my guilt of crab extermination?

Because deez Gourmet Crabs are still far and away superior to any of these levequests.

L78-80 FSH Collectable Reference

Level Appropriate FSH Collectables

Some collectables aren’t available everyday!

LCollectable FishBaitMapFishing HoleXYMinSlap/Trade?Note
79Rak’tika GobySmall GigRaktika GreatwoodNorth Lake Tusi Mek’ta52659Viis EarShadows
79Elder PixieMedium GigIl MhegCentral Longmirror Lake3026128Blue Mountain!?Shadows
78Winged HatchetfishRobber BallKholusiaUpper Watts River271511Any…Precision
76Diamond PipiraRobber BallRaktika GreatwoodThe Red Chalice1021440Any…TIME 12p-7p
76EryopsRobber BallRaktika GreatwoodLake Tusi Mek’ta930690Cannot!Mooch C. Tetra
75BothriolepisLarge GigLakelandSoutheast Source1238865Little Bismarck!?Shadows
74Little BismarckLarge GigLakelandSoutheast Source1238750Bothriolepis!?Shadows
74Golden LobsterMarble NymphIl MhegSaint Fathric’s Temple3426208Skipper/LoachPrecision
72Weedy SeadragonMoyebi ShrimpKholusiaEastern Kholusian Coast3727135Cod>>AnyPrecision
70Albino CaimanFruit WormLakelandRift of Sighs3215760Candy>SnailPowerful

The new collectables are pretty bad…

Winged Hatchetfish is “fine” since you can also catch the previous tier levefish Hucho Taimen… which isn’t too common either. 2/5 chance for either… eeeeehhh not too happy, not sad. However, if you’re specifically gunning for them – they don’t feel that great.

Elder Pixie is a toss-up. While it felt a little difficult to spawn the waters, the collectability felt “unreachable” without a good node modifier. If you got the L77 upgrades, maybe…

Rak’tika Goby suffers the same fate as Elder Pixie, almost exactly. Uncommon fish to trigger the shadow, and no other fish of value, and almost crippling collectability issues. L77 upgrades?

However, can you compare it to previous tier crabs? heh.

What do to in this tier?

Start off your final steps with the L78 facet quest, Amber Monkfish. This one was quite easy. It’s at Amh Araeng, The Hills of Amber (17, 15) Bait: Desert Dessert Frog. They started off really rare, then started pouring in. Use the Patience rotation.

For the vast majority of the population that just want to get this over and done with, continue your Gourmet Crab extinction project after you’re done with the L78 Facet quest.


Okay man, if you really want to do the NEW collectables (the spearfishing ones are very consistent mega EXP sources), which are “non-RNG”, YOU’RE GONNA WANT THE OPTIONAL L77 GEAR UPGRADES. Spawning the shadows and NOT MEETING THE COLLECTABILITY FEELSBADMAN.

If you’re fine with the old collectables, you know the drill by now. Golden Lobster, Albino Caiman or any of the spearfishing ones if that’s you’re thing.

If you, for some reason, insist on the new levequest fish, well, you’re on your own… Read the details on the boxes above but I’m guessing most people will be spearing deez Gourmet Crabs all the way to 80.

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Fishing Level 80 and beyond!

Well, grats on hitting 80 Fisher – that’s about it for Shadowbringers tier! I don’t know if I’ll update any of the end-game gathering guides yet, but let’s see.

Might as well finish up the L80 Facet quest – 1x HQ Prospero Eel, which can be fished up in Tempest, Norvrandt Slope (31, 15) using Moyebi Shrimp. The fishing hole is “under” the aetheryte area very near town.

Other than that, congratulations and I hope I helped you out reaching Level 80 on your fishing!

FSH Leveling Navigation:
[01-15]| [15-35]|[35-50]|[50-55]|[55-60]
[60-70] |[70-80] | [80 – 90] | [90 – 100 PRE]

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Author: FFXIV Guild

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FFXIV Fishing Leveling Guide 1-90 (EW + Dawntrail Prep) – Page 7 – FFXIV Guild (2024)
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