Idle Cave Miner Wiki (2025)

1. Idle Cave Miner Wiki Idle Cave Miner Wiki

  • Prestige

  • Community Founders: Write a good and paragraph-length description for your welcome section about your topic. Let your readers know what your topic is about and add some general information about it. Then you should visit the admin dashboard for more tips.

2. Category:Miners - Idle Cave Miner Wiki - Fandom

  • Kemo · Rick · Maya · Grandelf

  • There are currently 24 miners in Idle Cave Miner.

3. Kemo | Idle Cave Miner Wiki - Fandom

4. The Caves - Idle Cave Miner Wiki - Fandom

  • The Caves are the first mine that is available to the player. Here, the player will be able to obtain most resources in varying quantities.

  • "Does it have a bottom? What lurks deeper?" A new beginning, The Caves are the first mine that is available to the player. Here, the player will be able to obtain most resources in varying quantities. The player is introduced to mechanics and resources that will serve them for most of the game, and who's progress is not only linked to obtaining resources but also unlocking other mines, and Leaderboard progress. In The Caves, as with most other mines, progression is linked to two primary paths; T

5. Category:Worlds - Idle Cave Miner Wiki - Fandom

6. The Abyss | Idle Cave Miner Wiki - Fandom

  • Unlocked at floor 500, the Abyss is the fifth and final mine to be unlocked. Here, the player will be able to obtain Relic Shards · Relic Shards ...

  • "Mysterious, unexplored, with unknown technology." Unlocked at floor 500, the Abyss is the fifth and final mine to be unlocked. Here, the player will be able to obtain Relic Shards , used for upgrades that affect all mines. It is affected by certain mechanics that affect mines in the Upgrades tab. There is a single way to progress in the Abyss, and it is through the tower at the top of the floor. The tower shoots projectiles towards the blocks with varying accuracy. The player can choose to eith

7. Grandelf | Idle Cave Miner Wiki - Fandom

  • An alchemist at his core, has lived for many centuries. Transmutes orbs of energy to damage nearby blocks. Has a chance to find Mythic Gems when mining.

  • An alchemist at his core, has lived for many centuries. Transmutes orbs of energy to damage nearby blocks. Has a chance to find Mythic Gems when mining. Enjoys long walks during spring.

8. Nomed - Idle Cave Miner Wiki - Fandom

  • Despite his looks, he's a good natured demon. Randomly decides on attack patterns. While equipped, miners occasionally double mined.

  • Despite his looks, he's a good natured demon. Randomly decides on attack patterns. While equipped, miners occasionally double mined. Looks forward to ice cream Fridays.

Idle Cave Miner Wiki (2025)


What is the max mine level in idle miner? ›

You can buy up to 30 normal mine shafts in each mine, and each normal mine shaft can be leveled up to 800. The warehouse and the elevator can each be leveled up to 2400 when you have normal mine shafts unlocked.

How do you get the most money in idle miner? ›

SUPER CASH - to earn more Super Cash, just keep playing the game! The more you unlock and upgrade, the more Super Cash you can be given as rewards for certain milestones like unlocking specific mineshafts. Alternatively, you can use the in-game Shop for more Super Cash.

What is the trick to idle miner? ›

General Tips
  1. Try to upgrade Super Managers and combine their effects to multiply them! ...
  2. Use Specific Collectibles. ...
  3. Friends Boost. ...
  4. Complete Mainland mines regularly. ...
  5. Always use Super Managers and Managers. ...
  6. Always upgrade using a cost-reduction Manager/Super Manager. ...
  7. Coming Soon!

What happens after level 120 mines? ›

Final Level: Lava Earth, Purple. The last floor or Level 120 of the Mines will revert back to a lava-earth with a purple hue of Levels 80 to 109. There won't be any enemies here as well, and no more threats appear on this floor. Treasure: Skull Key.

How to get super Cash fast in idle miner? ›

Super Cash is the Premium Currency in Idle Miner Tycoon. You get this currency from leveling up your mine shafts & elevator & warehouse , from the Daily Reward, from your Expeditions, Prestige, Event Mines, and for real money in the in-game shop.

What is the impossible island in idle miner? ›

The Impossible Island offers great challenges to the whole Idle Miner World. If you complete its extreme mines objectives , you will win exclusive rewards like avatars, decorations and Medals (Legendary Super Managers). You need 250ac Fire Cash to unlock the Impossible Island.

How much money has idle miner made? ›

#5: Idle Miner ($5.6M net iAP revenue as of Jan-Apr 2022)

What is the highest XP in mining? ›

Players can expect to gain up to around 45,000–55,000 experience per hour below level 60 when not using tick manipulation. From level 60 and above, the maximum experience rate in the Mining Guild caps at around 70,000–80,000 experience per hour, depending on performance and the pickaxe used.

How much does a maximum mine give you? ›

The Maximum Mine requires a premium currency purchase to upgrade, but it produces 4 Diamonds every 24 hours, or 2 Diamonds every 12 hours.

What is the max level in idle miner elevator? ›

Every upgrade increases the total transportation, load amount and loading speed. The maximum level of the elevator is 2400, but on continent mines, the maximum level is 2800. The elevator can only collect cash while going down. You can collect Collectibles from chests which give you extra bonuses in the elevators.

What is the maximum mining level in Minecraft? ›

What are the best Ore levels for Minecraft Version 1.20?
Minecraft OreBest y-levelMax y-level
Iron16 or 232-64
Gold (In Badlands Biome)32-256256
6 more rows
Sep 29, 2023

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